Sunday, September 18, 2016


At eventide, when the pink light fades,
come the faerie-folk from the deeper shades
to dance upon a flower face,
and ride the fireflies shimmering fair
in the silvery realm of Otherwhere

The red-tailed fox might stop and stare
whilst he is running errands there
then on his way he goes again
whilst the faerie-folk rise into the air
in the silvery realm of Otherwhere

As night glides on tóward the day
the frolicsome faeries work and play
harvesting in a merry dance
nectar for their golden mead, a kingly fare
in the silvery realm of Otherwhere

When misty streaks of dawn's first song
whisper through the glimmering throng
the faerie-folk scamper on their way
longing to tread again the air,
in the silvery realm of Otherwhere.


Photo Credit:


  1. And suddenly my still and calming night is shattered, burst upon by thoughts of little lightsome peoples, running to an fro behind the screens of busy lives and darkened homes, where still "the silvery realm of otherwhere" sleeps unknown. I think that I must go and look as dark enfolds the day, to see this place you speak about - where faeries come to play!

    1. Oh excellent! Did you find any as "dark enfold[ed] day" (what a lovely line)?
